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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Corrie gears up for double wedding - and Gail can't believe what one bride is wearing

The old saying goes that the course of true love never did run smooth - and never more is the epithet more pertinent than in soap operas.

So Coronation Street fans have been girding their loins for some time with the news that there was to be a double wedding - and just as feared, it doesn't seem that anything is going to go to plan.

However, while not-so-blushing bride-to-be Kylie Turner does her best 'will she, won't she' act before finally turning up late at the wedding, it appears it's her choice of outfit rather than her tardiness that shocks mother of the groom Gail McIntyre. 

Badboy David Platt spends ages on the phone trying to locate his bride-to-be while other couple Graeme and Xin wait patiently.

Meanwhile, Graeme is having serious doubts about the whole thing. Will he go through with marrying Xin so she can stay in the country?

Conniving Kylie eventually turns up for the ceremony and shocks the congregation by looking for all the world like a burlesque artist in a a red and black basque.

Whether or not the cage-dancer and badboy David Platt actually make it to the altar however is anyone's guess...

After all, is Kylie there to go through with the wedding, or to tell David about his mother's bribery scheme?

As the pressure mounts, Graeme and Xin wait nervously.

However, as they wait for the service to start, Tina tries to explain to Norris why he saw her and Graeme kissing...
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