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Monday, September 20, 2010

Will Emma Watson induce ‘Robsten’ tiff positively or negatively?

The entry of Emma Watson in Robert Pattinson’s reel life is creating a great buzz all over. We know how the media and the paparazzi make the slightest of news a great platter of exaggeration and sell them like freshly baked hot buns!

What let them induce recurring clicks and buzzes among all with Emma in Robsten’s life, is the recent turmoil condition between the Twilight love duo.

Emma Watson 001 Everyone is well aware of the fact that Robz is having real tough issues with Kristen for her co-star- Viggo’s intimacy for professional purpose. Robz is not being able to cope up with the fact that his ‘wonderful girl’ is sharing cozy scenes with any other guy, may it be for professional sake. Even we have seen Robz just the last month to have landed up a surprise visit straight to Montreal to ensure the cast and crews of ‘On The Road’ that Kristen is his pick and his soul mate.

Now the sudden entry of Emma, who has co-acted with Robz earlier in Harry Potter series, is also being heard to share handful amount of steamy cozy scenes with the sexy Robz. This may impact Robsten bond positively or negatively.

Either it can arouse jealousy in Kristen by making her realize Robz’s condition in terms to Viggo’s chapter and make them reconcile happily- positive resolution indeed. Or it may enlarge and widen the existing wedge within Robsten and drift them apart more in negative way.
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