The special that ran this week was called “Celebrity Plastic Surgery” and featured others stars as well including Janice Dickinson and Peter Burns. Though some are happy with their changes, this reality TV star wished she never had the changes.
We all know Heidi Montag had 10 plastic surgery procedures in a single day and has to be the most extreme example of people trying to get the Hollywood look. If you haven’t see the before and after picture check it out at Huffington Post. I think she was pretty before, but you can’t deny she is great looking now too. So why does Heidi Montag regret surgery?
“I don’t want the biggest boobs in the world and, to be honest, I would take them out and downsize them but I don’t want to go under the knife again.”
In the interviews she blames the late Dr. Frank Ryan. She says he got her addicted to procedures and when she asked him what would make her perfect, she got a long list. Therefore she decided to get them all done, resulting in Heidi Montag’s 10 plastic surgery procedures in a single day.
She also talked about the immense amount of pain she was in following the work and felt that she wasn’t thoroughly informed about all the details.
We have learned to associate this young woman with drama, and my gut reaction is to write off her complaints as another publicity stunt. However, I do think she has finally started to realize how crazy her decision was a year ago. What do you think about the fact that Heidi Montag regrets surgery? Do you really think she wants the old her back? Check out these picture and this video and leave me your comments below.