If you visit a porn site and come across a sex video featuring Katrina Kaif, then don't be shocked. The lady in the video is a look-a-like of the Bollywood beauty Katrina Kaif. The lady in the video can clearly be distinguished to be a duplicate of Kat.
Surprisingly, this video has become one of the most-watched video clips, in spite of the fact that its a look-a-like of the actress. The title of the clip carries Katrina's name making it to be ' Katrina Kaif sex scandal.'
Earlier it was Isabela Katrina's sister who was trapped in a sex tape controversy and now it is the Bollywood bee Katrina. In fact, it's a way to make money by using the name and the face of the biggest selling celebrity in Bollywood, that's what these porn sites have done. Despite, the confirmation of the fact that the women in the porn clip is a duplicate of Katrina, the tape is still under 'authenticity examination.'
This is not the first time that a sex scandal has struck Bollywood, before this it had affected Mallika Sherawat, who also faced a similar controversy and now its miss Kaif. Poor her! We truly sympathies with her.
Surprisingly, this video has become one of the most-watched video clips, in spite of the fact that its a look-a-like of the actress. The title of the clip carries Katrina's name making it to be ' Katrina Kaif sex scandal.'
Earlier it was Isabela Katrina's sister who was trapped in a sex tape controversy and now it is the Bollywood bee Katrina. In fact, it's a way to make money by using the name and the face of the biggest selling celebrity in Bollywood, that's what these porn sites have done. Despite, the confirmation of the fact that the women in the porn clip is a duplicate of Katrina, the tape is still under 'authenticity examination.'
This is not the first time that a sex scandal has struck Bollywood, before this it had affected Mallika Sherawat, who also faced a similar controversy and now its miss Kaif. Poor her! We truly sympathies with her.