But we think that it will be great if she goes around with him, and become a couple. Here are a few reasons for that:
1. We do have a attraction for fare skin, and Gerard is a Scottish born hunk. So Priyanka, just go ahead and fulfill the everlasting nightmare.
2. Who else has a ten pack abs in the whole country? Gerard has. You don’t believe; just see his blockbuster 300, where he flaunted his chiseled body. Yeah, the 9th and the 10th pack were faint, but you see properly, it was there. And the paunch which he flaunts now a days, that, is a Computer imagery.
3. In spite of being an ex Miss World, she hasn’t got any of global assignments yet. It is a great chance for her to use Gerard as a ladder to climb up into the Hollywood. Though he himself don’t have a great track record in west, except 300, P.S I love you, and Phantom of the Opera, but Priynaka has a good chance to milk him because, a new celebrity girlfriend always gets more attention.
4. Actresses in India tend to marry NRIs. Since time is changing, so a Hollywood star will always be better catch than an NRI.
5. Since he is taking a great interest in shooting of Priyanka’s new movie, so he can opt for Bollywood, and who knows, we might get a permanent Hollywood star in Bollywood.
So please Priyanka, go ahead and marry him.